#31DaysofMindfulness and Meatless October Challenge: Day 4


Mindful Minute

“Become obsessed with you,  there’s only one,  love it to pieces”

~ Candice Maria ~

Yesterday, we talked about taking charge of your daily choices, today’s mindful minute reflective thought relates to becoming obsessed with the person you are today and the person you want to become tomorrow. Obsession is not a bad term in the right context. I chose the term obsession because by definition it is a “state of being obsessed with someone or something”… such as “an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind.”

In looking at that definition, what better “someone” and/or “something” to be obsessed with is you and your health and fitness goals. Also, what better idea or thought to continually preoccupy your thoughts than is the process of becoming your best self. While there are extreme levels to being obsessed in the negative sense, in a positive sense, at the end of the day, you are the only person that has the capacity to take a concerned preoccupation with your own well-being and the process of getting and staying fit. Who else will do it for you? It really all boils down to self-love.

You have to love yourself enough to be obsessed with the process of reaching your health and fitness goals and becoming the happy, healthy, and fit person you were meant to be. As one well-known motivational speaker once said you have to:

“be obsessed with improvement.”~ Dr. Eric Thomas


So during your mindful mobility yoga practice today, consider the areas in your life that need your undivided preoccupied attention in order for them to be improved. Focus on those areas and make a mental note of how you can put more time and attention, or obsession  into them to facilitate change and improvement.

Again, if you are keeping a journal during this journey, the outcomes of this exercise may be something you may also want to jot down for future reference.

Mindful Mobility WOD

Today as you did yesterday, you will complete a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio and at least 1 Round (or as many as your body needs) of the Sun Salutation A sequence as prehab before and/or after your other resistance training or athletic activities today.

I also strongly encourage class attendance with a Registered Yoga Teacher in your local area as often as your schedule allows, especially if you are new to yoga. This is just to ensure that you are using good form and technique, as the teacher in the class will be able to lay eyes as well as hands on you if necessary to make adjustments.

 A list of some of my favorite yoga studios and/or instructors along with their geographical  locations have been provided below:

Octavia Raheem – Atlanta, Georgia

Lara Land – New York City, New York

Sacred Chill{West} – Atlanta, Georgia

Land Yoga NYC – New York City, New York

Birmingham Yoga – Birmingham, Alabama


Meatless Meal of the Day (MOD)

Today’s featured Meatless MOD is a simple spring mix salad I mixed up for lunch one day this week topped with mixed nuts and granola.

Ingredient List:

  • 1 – 3 cups raw spring mix greens and spinach

  • ½ to 1 ounce unsalted mixed nuts

  • ½ ounce granola of choice

Nutrition Facts (The Macros):

Serving Size: 1 bowl  

Calories: ~ 145

Carbs: 14 grams

Fat: 8 grams

Protein: 4 grams

Sugar: 5 grams

Sodium: 75 mg

This concludes Day 4 of 31 Days of Mindfulness and Meatless October Challenge…see you again on Day 5.

Until next time ~ I AM CANDICE MARIA ~


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