I got, I got, I got, I got

Loyalty, got royalty inside my DNA”

~ K. Lamar

So on this new year’s day 2018, while most were doing the “typical” celebratory activities 💏at midnight,  I chose to essentially spit in a tube and ship it off to ancestry.com for analysis.

Why would I choose to ‘ring in’ the new year in this way? A couple of  reasons:

1)To better understand who I am, the true essence of my character, my personality, my genetic predisposition for health risks and benefits.  Knowing from where my lineage, my  people, my ancestral genre arose from, my personal biological  life story: 

“We call out to dry bones come alive, come alive.We call out to dead hearts come alive, come alive. Up out of the ashes let us see an army rise. We call out to dry bones, come alive.” ~ Lauren Daigle (Ezekiel 37)

2) Comparison analysis. My older sister performed the test last year so naturally, I wanted check mine to assess validity of the test as well as have my own personalized results:

So in a review of this test process,  the following step by step photo instructions depict what you receive in the mail and how to prepare your own sample:

1) Box arrives in mail.

2) Open box and read instructions:

3) Make sure to register your test code:

4) Gather the supplies from the box:

6) Collect and mix your sample:

7) Package sample in the provided collection bag:

8) Box it up in the provided shipping package:

9) Drop it off at your nearest USPS and wait for the results 📮

So that’s that…I’ll update y’all later and  share a results post when I receive them. Until next time,  I am Candice Maria and this is Candice Maria’s {Inherited}Fit Life


Professional Bodybuilding | It’s All Subjective 

Personal Reflections with Candice Maria


My personal reflections and views on competition and experiences in competing. One thing people must realize about my sport and the potential of being successful, or “going pro” in this  industry is that it’s all subjective to the opinions of a few people, the panel of judges one person stands in front of, who they are affiliated with, and what influence that affiliation carries.

3rd Place Open Figure - Class C - NPC Vulcan Classic
3rd Place Open Figure – Class C – NPC Vulcan Classic

The Million Dollar Smile of a Dream Chaser

If you took a journey back in time in my life up to today, you would debate heavily the potential of this once round child transforming naturally into a competitive figure athlete.

1st Place Open Figure Tall NANBF Global Cup Championship

Bad or Good genetics? Neither its called get off your ass and stop making excuses.

Lift heavy...Lift often...Work

I have been asked recently was I just “genetically lean and built? However flattering, I simply replied,  nope, “just hard work and eating right”.

Sample Grocery Cart

People always want to tell me how much they already work out,  but when I ask about their nutrition and eating habits,  things get uncertain. “Oh I eat clean, I eat this, that, and the other!” Then I hit them with well how much are you eating? Are you getting enough protein? Limiting your simple carbs? And it’s “case closed”  nothing left to say or the excuses begin about how they can’t maintain this or that. The macros tell all! You have to adjust the diet in order to perform at optimal potential and see results from your workouts! Sometimes it requires sacrifice and at all times commitment,  something the majority of people just aren’t ready for.

Sample off season macros breakdown

I believe in clean flexible dieting. Flexible doesn’t mean go crazy and eat what you want, hence why I call it “clean”! Fuel your body with a wealth of healthy food choices of your liking! That’s the “flexibility” part!


So no I’m not a genetic miracle. This body wasn’t built overnight. It’s a testimate of focused dedication to my physique, my health and my future!

Until next time. .. #EatClean…#TrainDirty

~ I AM CANDICE MARIA ~ #AestheticallyAthletic

T-Walk 2014 NANBF Global Cup Championship